Mission Found at FUMC Picayune
Through the ministries at FUMC, we strive to impact our community and world for Christ. We provide transportation for those who need assistance getting to the doctor. We support local organizations like Christian Care Ministries. Additionally, we have a medical supply closet and a small food pantry.
Below is a list of missions that can be found at our church.
We support and House Southern Bac Pac
Southern Bar Pac is a 501c3 that is an ecumenical effort. The mission meets to pack weekend food for area needy children.
Meeting time/frequency: Every other Wednesday 10am
Location: Two Story building
For more information, please contact the church office.

Community Supplemental Food Pantry
Open: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-Noon
Basic supplemental food for those in need.
We accept non-perishable foods and fresh vegetables/fruit donations for this ministry.
Community Clothing Closet
Open: Tuesdays 1-3 pm
Location: 3rd Street side entrance under carport